Figure 1 (jig, 136 bars):

  1. Top couples pass through, turn in towards their partners, pass back and face their partners in place. (8 bars)
  2. Top couples swing in the old céilí hold. (8 bars)
  3. Top ladies chain, right hands in the centre, left to the opposite gent to turn under his arm as the lady dances around the gent and dance back to place. The gent turns with the lady, facing her all the time. (8 bars)
  4. Top couples swing in the old céilí hold. (8 bars)
  5. Side couples dance (1) to (4). (32 bars)
  6. Repeat (1) to (5), all swinging the last time. (64 bars)

Figure 2 (jig, 104 bars):

  1. Top couples advance and retire holding right hand in right (4 bars), then square to the left and reverse into opposite positions (4 bars). (8 bars)
  2. Top couples advance and retire holding right hand in right again, then square to the left and reverse back into their own positions (4 bars). (8 bars)
  3. Top couples swing in the old céilí hold. (8 bars)
  4. Side couples dance (1) to (3). (24 bars)
  5. Repeat (1) to (4), all swinging the last time. (48 bars)

Figure 3 (jig, 168 bars):

  1. Top gent and opposite lady dance in to the centre, passing right shoulder to right as they both turn anticlockwise to face each other from the other side (4 bars) and swing (4 bars) (8 bars)
  2. Top couples advance and retire holding right hand in right, then square to the left and reverse into opposite positions (4 bars). (8 bars)
  3. Starting in opposite positions, top lady and opposite gent dance in to the centre, passing right shoulder to right as they both turn anticlockwise to face each other from the other side (4 bars) and swing (4 bars) (8 bars)
  4. Top couples advance and retire holding right hand in right, then square to the left and reverse back into their own positions (4 bars). (8 bars)
  5. Top couples swing in the old céilí hold. (8 bars)
  6. Side couples dance (1) to (5). First sides are on the left of first tops. (40 bars)
  7. Repeat (1) to (6), all swinging the last time. (80 bars)

Figure 4 (reel, 176 bars):

  1. Top ladies chain as in figure 1. (8 bars)
  2. Top couples swing in the old céilí hold. As the first couple swing, they move across the set to leave the lady on the left hand side of the opposite gent. The second couple swing for 4 bars, then stop and dance on the spot, to wait for the top lady to arrive. (8 bars)
  3. The second gent and both ladies advance and retire with the gent's arms around the waist of each lady, as the two ladies hold hands behind his back. The top gent retires and advances by himself. (4 bars). Then the line of three advances again and the ladies move over to stand beside the top gent, who again puts an arm around each lady's waist. (8 bars)
  4. The top gent and both ladies advance and retire, then advance again and the ladies turn in to face each other in the centre as all link arms behind to form a basket or Christmas. (8 bars)
  5. Top couples swing in four in the centre, all with arms around each other from the back. (8 bars)
  6. Top ladies chain as in figure 1. (8 bars)
  7. Top couples swing in the old céilí hold. As the second couple swing, they move across the set to leave the lady on the left hand side of the top gent. The top couple swing for 4 bars, then stop and dance on the spot, to wait for the opposite lady to arrive. (8 bars)
  8. The top gent and both ladies advance and retire with the gent's arms around the waist of each lady, as the two ladies hold hands behind his back. The opposite gent retires and advances by himself. (4 bars). Then the line of three advances again and the ladies move over to stand beside the second gent, who again puts an arm around each lady's waist. (8 bars)
  9. The second gent and both ladies advance and retire, then advance again and the ladies turn in to face each other in the centre as all link arms behind to form a basket or Christmas. (8 bars)
  10. Top couples swing in four in the centre, all with arms around each other from the back. (8 bars)
  11. Side couples dance (1) to (10). (80 bars)
  12. All couples swing in place. (8 bars)

Figure 5: March (64 bars)

  1. All advance and retire twice in a circle. (4 bars)
  2. All jazz around the set with their own partners. (8 bars)
  3. All circle again, advance and retire, then advance and ladies move on to the right as the gents retire to their own places. (4 bars)
  4. All jazz around the set with their new partners. (8 bars)
  5. All circle again, advance and retire, then advance and ladies move on to the right as the gents retire to their own places. (4 bars)
  6. All jazz around the set with their new partners. (8 bars)
  7. All circle again, advance and retire, then advance and ladies move on to the right as the gents retire to their own places. (4 bars)
  8. All jazz around the set with their new partners. (8 bars)
  9. All circle again, advance and retire, then advance and ladies move on to the right as the gents retire to their own places. (4 bars)
  10. All jazz around the set with their own partners to finish. (8 bars)

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